Every Doctor Should Be Aware of Professional Indemnity Cover:

  •     Why insurance offer?

·        Increasing awareness in individuals about risks faced in one’s professional and personal life.

  •     Why professional indemnity for doctors?

A professional indemnity insurance cover provides a sense of comfort and security to the doctor

·        Customers today are increasingly aware of their rights
·        Consumer Forums are even more active
·        Courts in most instances always favour patients

  •     Professional Indemnity Insurance:  It is the custom made cover for doctors

·        General Physician
·        Specialists / Consulting Physician
·        Surgeons
·        Dentists

  •     Covers legal liability, associated costs due to

·        Claim arising whilst in practice
·        Bodily Injury to the patient
·        Death of the patient
  •    Covers act of:
·        Error
·        Omission
·        Negligence
  •  Covers

·        Legal award / out of court settlement
·        Legal Expenses – During Legal Suit
·        Defence / Prosecution
·        Investigation Cost

Professional indemnity Categories:

  •      Category A

·        Physicians without dispensing facilities (GPs)

Ø  Category B

·        Specialists
·        Consulting Physicians

Ø Category C

·        Surgeons
·        Dentists
·        Radiologists
·        Pathologists

Professional indemnity – Exclusions:

Ø Does not cover
1.     Unregistered practitioners / unrecognized practitioners, Gynecologists.

2.     Liability arising out of
·        Cosmesis (Plastic Surgery)
·        Hair Weaving
·        Consequential Loss
·        Punitive / Exemplary Damages
·        Fines and penalties
·        Pure financial loss
·        Any criminal act, in violation of any law / ordinance
·        Services while under influence of intoxicants/ narcotices


• Parents of a deceased Bangalore teenage boy Abhishek Ramesh, 16, died of an overdose of anaesthesia administered to him at a multi-speciality hospital. The parents of the teenage boy have accused "medical negligence" due to which their son died.

• A premature baby suffers brain damage from oxygen deprivation when a  resident delays care a few hours after birth. Plaintiff verdict against the hospital: $90.3 million.

  Breast cancer spreads to the bones and liver of a woman because mammogram results do not reach her in the mail. Plaintiff verdict against doctor and hospital: $8 million.

  A nurse fails to administer a prescribed antibiotic to a 53-year-old man prior to surgery for an obstructed bowel. The patient develops gangrene and requires amputation of both of his legs below the knees. Plaintiff verdict against the hospital: $4.7 million.

Premium Details:

  •  Professional Indemnity – Doctor Categories

For more details : Write to me contactus@moneymintingmantra.com or WhatsApp : 9008949456

Disclaimer: This article is for general reference reading.

Source: ICICI -GI
